Nutritional Insight is an independent & credible, scientific research and writing nutrition consultancy that produces high quality, publications to innovate and drive change.
We are award-winning writers with a global reputation. Our publications have achieved 120k plus reads, making them highly cited and impactful. We build evidence that protects reputation, increases market share, and advances research and development. We help to identify product gaps, co-create products and secure future market sectors.
Our expertise saves time and adds high-level expertise into your team. Our work supports innovative new product development, helps to protect brands and retain competitive edge.
Building Evidence
At Nutritional Insight we help to extract, interpret and build the evidence-base providing scientific substantiation.
Below are examples of the results generated from our work:
Advancement of Research & Development
Co-creation of Products/Finding Gaps
Expert Opinion Reports & Commentaries
Protection of Reputation
Health Claim Substantiation
We also provide:
Confidential Internal Reports
White Paper Reports
Dossiers of Scientific Evidence
CPD Courses
Data Analysis
Desktop Research for books/book chapters
Educational Resources
Training Packages
Innovating & Driving Change
We innovate and drive change through our scientific research and writing projects. We produce high Impact, peer-reviewed scientific publications.
Below are examples of what we have achieved and what we do:
Meta-analysis Papers
Systematic Reviews
Narrative Reviews
Umbrella Reviews
Scoping Reviews
Discussion Papers
Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Publications
Conference write-ups into publications such as Symposium Reviews.
External Trusted Expertise
We provide access to Key Opinion Leaders which includes book authors & independent experts. This results in credible input & scientific dissemination.
Our work & external expertise:
Saves corporate teams time
Adds high-level expertise to team
Is trusted by the media
We undertake:
Presentations & Webinars
Media Round-tables/Events
Radio Days
TV Interviews
Presentations and Webinars
Media Quotes